Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Bikini Competition

A lot of people have asked me why I want to participate in a Bikini Competition. I think a lot of those questions come from folks whose idea of a bikini competition is a bunch of college girls on a boat in cancun wearing thongs and flat brim Volcom hats and shaking their boobs and bums in everyone's face. This is NOT what I mean when I talk about competing.

Bikini Competitions in the fitness world are quite different. They are judged by officials with years of experience. The women who compete are not meant to be "skinny." Most of them have been working out and training for months. The pro's have been training for years. The ideal bikini competitor has a good amount of muscle without being overly muscular. She has abs, not nothing too extreme or "dried out" looking. She looks toned, fit, healthy and well proportioned. Training for a bikini competition isn't as simple as losing a few pounds or spending an extra 30 minutes on the treadmill every day. You have to train harder, lean out, clean up your diet, practice walking in 5 inch clear high heels and perfect a few key poses.

So, why do I want to compete? Well, I have a few reasons. 

  1. I want to complete my journey from fat to fit. I want to go from 225lbs, totally unhappy and unhealthy to 135lbs of lean perfection. 
  2. I need a goal to work towards. What's to stop me from skipping the gym a few times this week? If I'm not training for something, I might not pass on that chocolate lava cake after dinner. I'm not perfect. I struggle with my diet every day. I am a firm believer that setting a goal is a great way to keep yourself on track. 
  3. I want to prove to myself that I can achieve this goal and prove to myself that I have what it takes.
  4. I want to show other women how far hard work and dedication can take you. I want to inspire them to make a change and show them that it is possible. 
  5. I want to show off the body that I've worked hard for. Damn right! I spent a long time hiding behind babydoll dresses  and black clothing. I want a chance to step onto stage and into the spotlight looking amazing in my ridiculous and gaudy sparkly bikini. 
  6. I want to take the photos from that day and display them in my room as a daily reminder of how far I've come and that I NEVER want to go back to my old habits. 
  7. I'm going to be a personal trainer, and I would LOVE to be a competition prep coach for women who need help getting started or need a goal to work towards. I believe that in order to be a coach, you have to have some experience competing yourself. If my client tells me they "can't" wake up at 5 am to do fasted cardio, i want to be able to tell them that if I can do it, they can too. 
  8. It's going to be fun. Yeah. despite the cardio (which I already hate), the high heels (which I've never worn before in my life) and the "dieting"...It's going to be really fun. I can't wait to meet other women interested in health and fitness! I can't wait to have hilarious clown make up on and a spray tan that makes me look like a sweet potato! It's going to be great. 
  9. Sponsors. I use a TON of protein powder. I buy a TON of workout gear. It wouldn't hurt to have a company or two sponsor me and provide me with some of this stuff! Competing is an awesome way to get yourself seen by these companies!

I know that there are mixed opinions on competing, and I'm fine with that. I know competing isn't for everyone. I know some people are going to laugh at me and say nasty things. I am well prepared for that. So, to all the haters BRING IT ON. But remember, I don't judge others who spend their nights at the bar or on the couch smoking pot. Different strokes for different folks, right? I am lucky enough to have a great support system, a family who supports me and a wonderful boyfriend who knows how to keep me motivated (and tells me to cut myself a break when he knows I need it).  I have some great gym buddies who push me harder and make sure I don't slack. I've also found great support and tons of love from strangers who stumble upon on my blog or my Instagram, which is totally awesome! I can't wait to get on stage this spring and begin a new chapter in my life. Sarah E: Bikini Competitor. 

15.5 weeks out from my first comp!


  1. Hi!!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog!!!!! congrats on your weightloss/fitness/life transformation journey!!!!
    I cant wait to follow you along on this epic adventure,and will be cheering you along the virtual sidelines!!
    : )
    : )

  2. Sarah, look into Primal Nutrition to sponsor u!! Aaron's friend co-owns the store and they have tons of gd stuff.


    1. Grisel, Thanks for the heads up!! I will definitely look into them!! :)


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