Saturday, January 11, 2014


So, I'm going to introduce you to something that changed my life. Ok, maybe not THAT drastically, but it definitely made a difference and saved me lots of time scrubbing out shaker jars. I used to leave the house in the morning with 3, sometimes 4 shaker jars. One for my morning shake, one for my pre-work out and one for my post work out protein. Until I discovered the Hydracup.  This little piece of genius is one shaker, with TWO separate sides. Each side has it's own labeled lid, one with "pre" and one with "post." Why didn't I think of this!!?? Anyway, using the hydracup not only saves me space in my already overflowing gym bag, but it saves me from scrubbing out an extra shaker jar every day. Oh, and speaking of shaker jar, this is one of the only jars I've ever dealt with that doesn't leak at all when shaken! (I can't tell you how many times I've ended up with peanut butter marshmallow flavored whey powder all over my legs...ew.) So, If you're like me...and you hate washing out your shaker jars and you enjoy fancy new gadgets that make you look super cool at the gym, then do yourself a favor and pick up a hydra cup.  Ya dig?

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